DoaD #15 - Embracing the Elements

Episode 15 of D.o.a.D

Today was about learning, applying and seeing the body in a completely different way. Don’t know how I’ve never done a first aid course. But I did today, and it’s fascinating. I learned how the body works and why it does different things, how it circulates, it’s like a machine with a circuit. And when that circuit is interrupted, it fucking freaks out and doesn’t quite work and needs a bit of outside help to bring it back. Yeah, fascinating. A day of learning from a great teacher, who was a complete Daoist, who kept it very simple. Almost joking around with it but also being very serious and poignant. A beautiful inspiration for how I want to coach these kids. I will be coaching next week. It’s crazy. I’m in this present moment in time, but in a week I’ll have a completely different conversation and perspective on what it’s like to plan and lead a coaching session. Leading in the way that I can see, through how I perceive the world and how I see best to develop a mind and body.

For me, that’s through imagery of nature, and elements and bringing that very simple elementary understanding into the mind and through the imagination of games and being creative. Teaching parkour and nature in a fun way through movement.



GPT is an interesting conversation because in terms of writing, and getting it to write stories and trying to get it to do the artist’s work. It doesn’t have a place for that. It does for people who want to absorb non-human content. But for whatever reason on that etheric, ether, spiritual dimension, humans can feel when something’s written by a human. When I’ve tried to test it out and read something back that I wrote myself that came from the heart compared to something that I tried to write through GPT it has a completely different feeling to it.

It’s not a logical one that can be explained, it’s a completely intuitive depth, and the fact that  it isn’t there.

But what it is useful for is effortless planning and taking the stress out of structure. I want to test out this way of working because it makes more sense to me. Using the I Ching / Yi Jing to work out the theme [for a lesson] and let the Dao pick whatever it should be and then allow my subconscious to bring forth the ideas for what that reading means in terms of what I want to do. Then based on those trigrams and those elements and the different attributes, dropping that into GPT with a basic formula and structure of how I want to do the lessons and allow that to build a lesson plan. Tweaking it based on what I know is useful for warm-ups or coaching and games, dropping in more data points for artificial intelligence to work out the bigger picture of what I’m trying to do.

It’s just done it.

It didn’t do it perfectly straight away but it had the essence of exactly what I wanna do. At first, I can use this to help bridge the gap between my ability, experience and understanding of how to do this. Allowing what I’m naturally good at to come forth without the stress of having to build a completely new plan. Then, over time bridge the gap with experience and more intuitive knowledge so I can become more spontaneous with it. At the moment the structure has to be set in place for me.

We’re in a time where this intelligence is available. It’s crazy it’s almost magic. It is magic. In the same way that Bluetooth fascinated me as a kid.

How is that even happening?  But what is that connecting through?  That brought me to this interest in Ether, whatever this stuff is outside of the matter that we can see.

Yeah, this is magic.

I can put in my thoughts and understandings of how I see nature playing its part in the human story. This is gold. I get to bring in my imagination and excitement around elements and infuse that with themes of the movement. It’s helping kids to develop their minds in their unique forms of expression, through this. That’s nuts. That is a blessing beyond anything.

Wow, I never thought I would have got here.

I split session one into a water theme and it has made these little tweaks to these games, within the theme of water. This is stuff I could have all done myself with my creative mind but I guess whilst my creative energy is eternal, it is limited in this life. I’m able to save it for other things. It’s time Well saved. Not spent. The Currency has been Well preserved.

Mondays are normally…. I was clocking the moon today. Normally, it’s a day for doing nothing, resting and reflecting. I’ve been up since 7am, went to the first aid course then went straight to work and back at 10pm but I don’t feel tired. How does that make sense? Maybe I am tired because I’m waffling.

Learn when to cut off the candle before it burns to the bottom.

This pencil has been sharpened very short. One part saying Look at this and listen to that. Another part of me that says Fuck that why stop. I get plenty of rest it’s summer, and I have all this energy in excess to be active and creative and burn.


	baby burn.





Com passion


Kill the Butterflies