DoaD #19 - Yang Peak

This is episode 19, dayum.

This is the full moon episode and the Summer Solstice episode. WHAT A DAY. What a day wow. I’m seeing the 48th minute on the clock what beautiful timing. Wow. It was a day for Foucan Academy coaches to meet up and play in Hampstead Heath climb to climb some trees swinging around. I’m exhausted but it was everything. Fun. Natural. A couple of movers moving.

So blessed to be around these people and fall back into this world. The young ones there were just like me and Arthur and Kai as kids. Being fucking idiots jumping around doing dumb shit. Stupid shit. Being that age. Now me and Arthur a bit older very different heads screwed on.

Woah thats a weird phrase. The progression of both of us and in our different ways. Knowing myself and what I enjoy doing, sticking to that, and noticing this whole new culture of Parkour that has evolved become something completely different to what I knew. Still being a part of it insome way but not feeling like I have to keep up with that. That's weirdly why I stopped it when I was 15, I had that intuitive feeling. But it was also because I was missing out on partying and that did not sit well with another part of me. It's been a whole whole journey of returning back to play and movement. Complete freedom of expression through that. Things are starting to come from that. Meeting this random guy that was on the chat for the meet up, I'm not sure how he got there but I was climbing up a tree. A massive beanstalk of a tree that just went on and on and on. Climbed down and he climbs up and we end up having a chat in this massive canopy of a tree that's three stories up.

Beautiful conversation about…. Capoeira…. Daoism…. I Ching….Movement…. Spoken word…. Men’s circles…. books…..writing…….writings people carve into trees….. beautiful conversation. My beautiful brother and sisters birthday today as well so that’s a blessing. Damn I miss them. I don't see them enough at the moment. I will soon.

Insane day in the sun, climbing trees, soaking in….[yawns….that, all that solstice goodness and feeling the peak of the yang energy tipping. I absorbed it well and truly.


All this worrying about money and a job and stability, finding a place to live, it’s all falling into place…. ever so slightly… I needed to simply step out of my own way. Move with it. Stick to my guns, not so stubbornly that I can't move but staying true to myself in my heart and what I know is me. I have some moments where I'm slipping and I fall back into a repetitive thought pattern. But I’m thriving, I’m moving.

Choosing a life that is true to myself.

That is it. That is a luxury. I do not intend on giving in on that. Sacrifices will have to be made to get to this beautiful garden of Eden that is within my mind. But when I think about that too much, and I'm lost in that garden. I forget about this beautiful kingdom in front of me and the beautiful people around me and the blessings I've got. For that I'm grateful for everything in my life.

The love

the pain

the lessons


the fear

the doubt


It's fuel for this cauldron that is bubbling ever so slightly at the moment.

Something is being prepared and will be revealed very soon.

Be careful on a full moon.

But enjoy it



A thousand miles of the other Beyonds


DoaD #18 - God of Synchronicity