Everything is Material

To the true artist who has mastered his craft. Nothing is good or bad. Everything is material. Everything has the potential to be transformed. To us Brits we love to complain about the weather. But to a plant it welcomes the changes of season and weather, grateful for whatever  it receives as it is all necessary to its growth. So why treat the seed of an idea or event differently. If nurtured and cared for like the natural artist you already are, whatever happens to you could blossom into a fruitful flower. How do you know that it won’t? The seeds don’t need to be looked for or found. They are already within you. It's your nature. Who you truly are. Everything you need is already there. When you stop trying to be and become what you think you should be you are free to be who you always have been. At that point you act from the centre of your very being. The creative within you is calm and still, acting in harmony with your true nature. There is no concern for results or what will come of what you are trying to do. There is only, do. Action through non-action.


Learning to cycle


The Essence of Breath: A Journey of Life and Energy