The Purple Well

The Purple Well. This mystery occurred once. Never before did it start to move. Breaks breaks. Cracks form on the wall. No one there. The Purple Well. Fixes fixes. New walls form from the inside out. The water in this well isn’t purple. So how can the cracks fill with Purple gold? It mends itself from before a time we know. Once known, you could call it a sister. So how can it grow without many hands to support its beams? It doesn’t lean in the wind. It refuses to sing. So how well is it purple? It gurgles water never. It doesn't even nourish those usually accustomed. What is this Purple Well for? Long ago it was worshipped by the ancients, never knowing its origin. The rulers simply saved it in stories for you now. It doesn’t appear in any language. It cannot be drawn or known. Yet it is in All. Understanding, it provides no knowledge. For how could you stand under The Purple Well? It's well known that it never existed but maybe it never didn’t in a treetop full of rivers. Its source finds itself left unturned between the pebble you kicked across the path. The Purple Well cannot be held but your hands know it well. It fell from the centre of the Earth, leaving marks in the soil.






Music is herbal medicine without the grass

