These are our greatest teachers 

joshua in his element

these hands may bind and sew but it is not I that knows

these small creations I tie up every morning know more than i

theres wisdom beneath the lines

between them, much more

wrinkled fingers push against the sugar paper

flopping, refusing to be folded 

thats the way for this paper trail 

it leads long before you and i sat eye to eye, put hands on trees and saw potential

i am a student to every book i make 

they slow i down

they teach i 

patience, precision, practice

much much similar to those kids in paris through 88 to 89

the greatest teachers leave their marks but how many left none.

For the most beautiful of books I make I see no fingerprints but one

good or bad

i assure you, no

i know neither love nor hate for these books of ours

they tear i apart and build up i

goosebumps and tears is the best way of summary

“we’ll be back”

the book lover shouts from the window

The silence remembers 

These are our greatest teachers 


The Art of the Heart


DoaD #32 - Grow then Go then Weep then Grow