You are a tree 

Sitting in Richmond park this morning. I was trying to upload something I recently worked on to Instagram. The app crashed and phone died. Great :) Now I’m sat here. Phone dead watching and listening to the trees because it’s all I can see.

The bristle of the leaves… 

It got I thinking. I actually don’t know how I breathe. Obviously I know the basic shit from science lessons when I was a kid. But how, seems so mystical. Type it into the web for an answer.

“The leaves that actually give us the oxygen only make up 5% of the tree… 15% goes to the stems… 60% to the trunk…20% to the roots…The stuff you actually see and that people use is only 5% of the work.” 

There is a large part that is never seen or considered but is where the good stuff is formed. Each project I be work on relentlessly is the same. The research, the experimentation, the hundreds of ideas that get lost in the process. All of it matters. This is the real work that sprouts the final leaves the world sees…and breathes life into its receivers. The good and the bad is all nourishment. When I create from within and make use of the whole tree, it gives birth to truly meaningful work that matters.

I never felt fully satisfied on the web when only sharing the last 5% of I work. I want to show all the stems, trunk and roots to I leaves. Share the unseen thread daily.


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The Planter’s Way