DoaD #12 - Following the Omens

This is Episode 12 of whatever this is… currently speaking from the stairwell of my kitchen into the garden. On some crusty stairs with a spider nest above me. Sounds weird because I’m in an echo chamber. Here we are on day 12 of doing this. Knowledge Wisdom. Today was a glorious day, took me back to those days last year when I was blessed with this free time to wander around Kingston and get lost. Having fun following little omen trails.

Started the morning with the parkour coaches, planning a Foucan festival for the kids, which is coming along nicely. Then, met up with Rahim my new friend, the novelist, introduced me to his poet mate and we had a crazy conversation for three hours. Zoomed by, talking about everything. Shared ideas about our desires to have a community of writers, deep thinkers, and creative like-minded people. It was beautiful to feel not alone in this world and be able to share crazy ideas normally kept to yourself.

Then I wandered around Kingston. No other plan, Friday it's my day for doing the things I love. Got up at 630. My body woke me up from some dreams then I thought fuck it let's do some fun stuff. So I started drawing little sketches of different things, I haven't done that in a while. Then, I went for a run to Bushy Park, magical that was crazy. I almost stopped myself from going in because I wanted to quote-unquote “get on with the day” whatever the fuck that is. The second I got in Bushy, instantly quiet, I don’t know whether trees absorb sound but it was beautiful. Saw some fucking deer, that was cool. Sleeping ducks, and little swans. Tried to climb a tree but got a bug in my mouth so decided not. Then, ran back home, and did some more drawing. Then, went on that call.

I have missed running early in the morning. Getting up and knowing everyone's sound asleep and the roads are empty. You can run in the middle of the road. No care just free. With this beautiful calm before the storm of the day. I missed that.

Wandering, wandering around town. Playing a little game where I pick up a random book in a bookstore, flip to a random page and see whatever word sticks out. [The page I flicked to] “Mirror” stuck out in one of the books. Then, I realized there was a Paulo Coelho book next to the one that I randomly picked, picked that up and started reading the first few pages. The character in it was talking about working in a library and that sparked some idea in me to get lost in my phone for a little bit frantically looking for jobs in a library because I thought that was my next thing I had to do. Let that fizzle out then started wandering around town seeing where I could take myself with those two words - mirror and library. Slowly wandered towards the antique shop as that was the only place I could think of that had mirrors and was almost like a library. Went into Oxfam books. Woah, just realised, I had such a cheap day. What the fuck I spent like 80p on a reduced tuna sandwich. SOLID. Then in Oxfam books got these two little books from Penguin 60s edition. These are tiny ones that were like 50p each. FUCKIN AMAZIN. Then went into the antiques store and bumped into some guy from my course that I knew but didn't really know, like I knew his face. We started chatting for a little bit. Chance to get in deep with someone that I normally wouldn't on that course, because you are hidden amongst the noise. BEAUTIFUL.

I realized that's where the mirror library was taking me, to that interaction. Then Laurie messaged;

YO YOU WANNA PLAY a mudafuckin boardgame?

Hell yeah!

Got some food from the market, from Momma’s Kitchen. Asked her about the books that she borrowed from me, but she’s been way too busy to read. Then she clocked that I was the one that gave her the books and blessed me with a free vegetarian pot that had ooooof Jollof rice Black Eyed Pea’s plantain, oh my days, insane. She gave it to me on the house, beautiful. So that's £1.80 for the day. Been fed, got some books and had great conversations. Such a blessed day. I don't know what it was, whether the effect of different causes or reactions of different things I've emitted from a while ago are swinging back round, and that pendulum swing will swing back the other way. I'm sure I will feel the repercussions of this beautiful day and this will endlessly flow back and forth. But, today is all I can take and it was such a blessing. A reminder of how beautiful it is to be a part of this journey.

Sat in Woody’s and played a sick Celtic-style strategy game for three hours. Chatting about crazy stuff as usual [with Laurie].

[fear interlude]

Some noise from the door just skatted me out for some reason. In my own home, I am scared. What is that hahaha?

Then, made some beautiful food with Jess, chatting and laughing about drunk stories from when we were kids. Not even kids, I'm still a child, but from when we were younger. What a day of conversation and people, nothing more nothing less. Just a day. JUST A DAY.

Just a Friday. I would love if every Friday could be like that. If my Fridays could be free to meet and chat with people like that. Normally I am exhausted talking to people, my introvert self could not hack a day like that, but I think because it was filled with magnetic electric people that are keeping that energy flowing instead of getting lost in some ego chat. It revitalized me. I've been up since six thirty but I feel ……..content.

What a beautiful day of knowledge and wisdom manifesting understanding. And understanding there was between all the people I came in contact with today. One Two Three.

Not much else to say, a Beautiful day a beautiful day…. Oh, yes, it was.



DoaD #13 - The Balance of Being


DoaD #11 - Self-Study